Friday, December 20, 2013

Old Letters and Old Postcards are intriguing

Have you ever found a box full of old letters and/or postcards in the attic of an old house? I have and it is an exhilarating experience! The musty dusty box is intriguing at first. When I first found a box like this, I gingerly pulled out the bundle of dusty letters that were faded with a musty smell. I savored the scent of antique mystery for a few minutes before I spied on someone's personal life. I read the details with the utmost respect for the writer and the recipient. I always felt a little embarrassed at first for snooping into another's private life but that always waned within the first few minutes. The words took over and carried me into a time machine.

I lingered in that dusty attic reading one faded musty letter after another. My hunger for more mystery, history or intrigue could not be satiated. I became a serious seeker for the old box of letters in the attic of old houses. My Dad was a carpenter who often remodeled such houses so my opportunities were not too rare. I collected these antique remnants of history with a sense of pride that I had salvaged a piece of history from one lifetime that had already left this earth. It was a surreal emotion that I cannot rightfully explain. You had to be there to see and feel the precious words like I did.

So the next time you get the chance to explore an old house, check the old desk then head straight for the attic and seek out that dusty box of letters and postcards. You'll either find it at the bottom of a trunk because personal letters were very private in bygone days. If you don't find the box of letters there, look for an old cubby hole in the attic and check far back in the shadowy corners. Enjoy the adventure!

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